Wednesday, February 16, 2011

For the following week...

To do (Till Wednesday):

-LOL CHANGE OF PLAN. GET TIME LOCKED VERSION OF REEL TO SOUND DESIGNER BY WEDNESDAY. It turns out that his school changed the schedule so the reel is now due a week early... well it will make me work faster. [Will finish today]

- The means.. FINISH tight drafts for both scene 8 and 9 [ALL DRAFTS DONE.]

- Edit the child pinning scene (just the draft first) [DONE]

[Comics and Illustration will be worked on after I get the reel to Damon]

[Saturday booked for a birthday. It was fun =D]

I just contacted my sound designer and potential composer.. I hope everything will work out fine. I had my critique today and overall it was alright. People suggested me to take parts out but right now I am about.. neeehh about it.. personally I think it makes more sense if I leave everything in and the film will not feel rushed, but some people think it can be cut down more. I don't really know what to do any more to be honest. I might just go with what I have right now, but I do like the fact that I won't need to animate so much if I take them out.. I am just worried that it might seem rushed.. Well I took out scene 5 from the film as a test and I think if I end up taking it out, I WILL need to end up changing a couple of other scenes to make it work. I will keep it and see how people feel about it. At the moment, I know scene 8 and 9 will be pretty good to go. The class did say I don't need Lay in the end anymore... (even though I was told to bring him back last semester), but the thing is.. then I don't know where (**-Spoiler Alert-**) the paint cans would come from... even though it may not be important right now, I think that question will eventually come up if I took Lay away.

In the end it is my film, but I want to best for it.. I will see what I can do, when March comes around, I will start on the animation of scene 8 and 9 first, because I think I will be going with that ending (I'll admit it.. I became a bit attached to it LMAO.. C'mon it's almost March.. I can be a bit attached right? XD)

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