Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We just have to go with what we think is best for our story.
Everyone has a different way of telling stories, so people will end up giving mixed suggestions.
There will NEVER be a perfect story and not everyone will like it.

For example, I love Wall-e, yet my sister thought it was boring as frig and fell asleep.

I am thankful for the many suggestions people have given me and I have definitely take them into consideration. Yesturday I had my third critique. Everything was fine except the ending. They want Lay back, even though in the second critique they thought it was not necessary. If something isn't working, then it isn't working. I will try to find a good way to bring Lay back in the end without making it look like it is his ending =). Hopefully this will make my story that much stronger.

The critique that troubled me was style. My teacher mentioned that it was not working for her and asked the class what they thought. Another person put her hand up so that is like.. 2 people out of the whole class. As grateful as I am for the critiques, this is one that I must think for myself and go with it. Why?

1. It is almost November. The film needs to be ready in a couple of months.
2. I have started animating
3. I, myself, feel this is a better style to animate in and enjoy doing so.
4. It only bothered 2 (including my teacher) out of the class. I asked others personally and they thought it was fine.

They were talking about my style looking anime and manga... which I have been trying to avoid.. but I guess  I am failing. If it looks that way to others, then I guess it is. What other people see is sometimes more accurate than what you see yourself. I guess it is the eyes.
My cousin did tell me about how some critiques may get out of hand, and start to make you hesitate when doing the film. I have to say this is one of them.
First of all, I showed my styles to the class in the first critique and this style was more preferred (cause my other normal style would take too long to animate.) Second, when I showed my leica the second time in my current style, no one had a problem with the style. That time, I have not started animating so it would be fine if I wanted to make a style change. What bothered me about this particular critique is not about them not liking my style, it is about the time they gave me this critique. By this time, I cannot be thinking about changing my style. This is when I have to step in as the director and be like... I am doing this.

I am doing this because I am telling this story and this is how I want people to watch my film.

As rude as that may sound.. I apologize, but I have to go for it.
This film will have its flaws, but I am only human, I can only try my best... and hopefully, I will be able to make some people smile.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

So what's up now?

I showed my story to my friends Betty and Melanie yesturday and it seems like it makes sense now. I just need to change some minor storyboard frames and then I'm ready to go!! Looks like I will be able to do this after all =D~ Here are some of the sketches I did about 6 months ago (the prev designs) and some that are done about a month ago. I also added the problems I encountered and why my story did not work.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Test frame

Sooo.. Yesturday we had the grad film pitch night and I currently have 3 paint bucketing helpers and a sound designer I'm still contacting to see how that will work out XD. I'm still searching for more people willing to help me paintbucket my animated frames (when I get em done XD), sound designers (only if the person I am contacting doesn't work out ;w;) and a MUSIC COMPOSER (NEED THAT.) Anyone who helps make my film possible will of course have their names added in the film's credits. And for the people helping me paintbucket, I will definitely be helping them on their grad films when the time comes XD (that is a given *w*) This will go great on a resumeeee~~~~ -nudge nudge-
This is just a test frame I made for the pitch... I did it RIGHT BEFORE the pitch (fails.) In this frame,  Richard's boss sees Richard's pleasant little sketch of him on the company's contract form for the customers.
Meaning... he's in shit LMAO. I will be updating my sketches soon XDD (I keep saying that... OTL)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Taiwan!!!

I was going to work on my storyboard again after my friend's birthday... but my other friend suggested that I should change my facebook profile picture, so I was like.. you know what? I WILL. It's Richard in Hetalia Taiwan's clothes hahaha XDD~

Happy Birthday Taiwan!!

Anyways.. For anyone that is curious why my second storyboard failed, here is a link to my old anamatic:

it isVERY bad and LONG as shit. There are a lot of unnecessary details and shitty scenes. That being said.. I changed almost all of the scenes from that one. I will post my sketches sometime soon.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am working on my THIRD storyboard, cause the last two was not good enough and did not satisfy me.
Thankfully I have a class where everyone can watch my animatic and give me very helpful critiques ;w;".
I have to admit that I was upset that the second storyboard did not turn out as good as I thought... but in a way I am glad it went through the ripping apart that it needed, cause now I can try to make it even better. I am only upset in the way that I did not do a good job, not upset of the critiques that my classmates and professor was nice enough to give me (Thank you guys so much for the help!)

They said that my second storyboard was a great improvement from the first one... but it is not there yet. It is too long, too flat (the camera angles), and there were a lot of unnecessary things. Technically, I just need to edit, take out, and switch some parts around in the second storyboard... Hopefully I will make it better. I only have a couple of months to do this and I really need to start animating ASAP.
I want to get my storyboard done and solid by NOVEMBER. I need 1 minute of animation by November 30th so I really need to start animating. By that time, I'll just have to go for it. If possible, I will edit while I am animating but I'm not sure how the stress will help me on that...

I will update a few pictures on the next blog LMAO.. cause I haven't really updated much.. so next blog, I will show all the characters I have eliminated, the style I decided to not do for this particular film, and the current characters that will be in my film.