Sorry for the lack of updates.. but it is because I am finished my film!
Everything went out smoothly~ my film was completed on the day of the deadline (April 29) and everything- animation, colours, bgs, etc etc were all FINISHED =D
I mentioned about my composer and sound designer in my previous posts. My original composer and sound designer both dropped out on me near the end of the deadline, so the sounds and music are not made from them. It was really stressful to have people suddenly tell me that they can't work on the sounds and music but I am glad that it worked out in the end! (Thank you so much Ayaz and Nicholas!!)
So yep~ The film is currently being screened at Emily Carr till May 22. On May 21, it will be screened at the Vancity theater in Vancouver.
Although this film gave me a lot of panics and stress during the making of it, in the end I am very glad I worked on it. It was really worth the effort and I can finally said that I have tried my best and completed a film in my final year of university =)
Now I just need to build my portfolio and hopefully find a good job